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I'm studying a degree in English Studies in the University of Zaragoza (Spain). I have created this blog because I am studying "Comentario de textos audiovisuales" and I have to keep a record of every film I watch in a portfolio.

viernes, 6 de enero de 2012


Scarface (Brian De Palma, 1983) is a remake of a previous film with the same name, Scarface (Howard Hawks, Richard Rosson, 1932). It is a long film (170 min), but the viewer never gets bored of it.

The main reason why I liked Scarface is the main character, Tony Montana (Al Pacino). He is a phychopat, he is not a good person, he is not the kind of people you want to be your friend, he is not handsome, he is not clever, but, in some way, he is very charismatic and the viewer finds himself indentifying with him, and feeling attracted by him. Maybe because he is a self-made man.
Al Pacino acting is very credible. His Spanish, for example, is much more credible than Charlton Heston's in Touch of Evil (Orson Wells, 1958). After The Godfather (Francis Ford Coppola,1972) and The Godfather II (Francis Ford Coppola, 1974) he seemed to be comfortable in a gangster's skin.

Elvira (Michelle Pfeiffer) tells Tony what she thinks is the most valuable lesson: "Don't get high on your own supply". Nevertheless, both of them do. Just as Vincent Vega and Mia Wallace do in Pulp Fiction (Quentin Tarantino, 1994). The relationship between Vincent and Mia is clearly based in the one between Tony and Elvira.

With regard to the soundtrack, by Giorgio Moroder, I find it funny. I mean, in the montage where the viewer is told how time passes, the song that accompanies it sounds old-fashioned but it is appropiate to the 80s.

2 comentarios:

  1. Como ya te he dicho, te falta ponder que Tony Montana es un psicopata y que todo lo que hace, lo hace por su propio bien y por sobrevivir. No le importa el amor (con Elvira) ni la amistad (con su amigo que siempre le sigue) ni nada con tal de llevar a cabo sus objetivos.

    Cuando alcanza el poder le ciega y se vuelve mas paranoico y mas psicopata de lo que era antes, es un momento en el que se cree intocable y dios. Lo que le pasa factura cuando en el momento en el que tiene que matar al de las naciones unidas y a su familia, no lo hace y todo por una razon: porque ese problema a el ni le viene ni le va y porque al creerse tan ambicioso y egocentrico se pensaba que el colombiano no era poderoso, lo que demostro lo contrario.

    Al final muere, solo sin amigos y sin nada, solo confia en si mismo ya no siquiera en la pobre Gina...

  2. ahhh y se me olvida, que aparte de que no comete ese atentado porque el problema no le va ni le viene, es porque por fin adquiere un poco de humanidad frente al sicario que estaba un poco mas loco que él.

    Y eso esta pelicula ha dado mucha influencia, y que mas que remake de la otra, esta ha adquirido una autonomia muy destacada.
