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I'm studying a degree in English Studies in the University of Zaragoza (Spain). I have created this blog because I am studying "Comentario de textos audiovisuales" and I have to keep a record of every film I watch in a portfolio.

viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

Blow up

Blow up (Michelangelo Antonioni, 1966) is a film based in the short story "Las babas de diablo", by Julio Cortázar.

Blow up tries to portray the "Swinging London" in the 60s. In the film, all its characters (young people) live a "hedonistic" lifestyle. It can be seen in Thomas' (David Hemmings) job, in the clothes (specially in women's), in the young clowns, the rock concerts, the sex as a simple amusement, drugs..

Thomas, a London photographer, seems to like this kind of life, but he admits he is bored of life in the city. One simple day he takes some photos in a park, and his life changes. He finds something disturbing in that pictures.

Mise-en-scène is really special. Customes, places as the antique shop, Thomas' home or the place where the concert takes place..

The problem in Blow-up is that the viewer does not really know what is happening and what is the purpose of all that. It remains me (up to a point) of Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie, another film in which you do not know which it tries to be conveyed. 
Since I love Cortázar, I suppose (And I hope) the short story is much better than its screen version.

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