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I'm studying a degree in English Studies in the University of Zaragoza (Spain). I have created this blog because I am studying "Comentario de textos audiovisuales" and I have to keep a record of every film I watch in a portfolio.

lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2011

Beetle Juice

Beetle Juice (Tim Burton, 1988) is a film about a happy young couple, Adam (Alec Baldwin) and Barbara (Geena Davis) In their life colors are intense and the dynamic music accompanies their daily activities.

Until.. they pass away. They do not notice it until they try to go out. When they do it they see a strange landscape where they could get lost. As you can see, the visual effects are not very modern. Anyway, I have a special affection for Tim Burton's, so they are funny for me.

The film has two types of colors. In the first part, the happy couple live in pastel colors. Later, when they are dead, their world is more Gothic and dark. And so is Lydia (Winona Ryder) too. 

There are a lot of visual effects when represating other dead people. You can guess how they died by looking at them.

This characteristic mise-en-scène in Beetle Juice is shared in almost every Burton's film. His signature style. I really felt his name was missing in the "Directors" list.

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