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I'm studying a degree in English Studies in the University of Zaragoza (Spain). I have created this blog because I am studying "Comentario de textos audiovisuales" and I have to keep a record of every film I watch in a portfolio.

domingo, 25 de diciembre de 2011

The Artist

The Artist (Michel Hazanavicius, 2011) is a film about cinema. Even more, it is a silent film and it might look like a 1920's movie. It is about a silent movie star, George Valentin, (Jean Dujardin) who is afraid of the arrival of "talkies". His life also changes because of Peppy Miller (Bérénice Bejo), a young actress.

It is strange that the first silent film I see, has been opened only 2 weeks ago, but it is true that it really seems a 1920's movie. Its aspect ratio is 1,33:1, as the movies of the time. The average shot lenght, even if I did not measure it, is larger than actual movies.
Although it is a silent film, there are two scenes in which sounds can be listened. First, the dream scene. It clearly conveys Valentin's feelings, since the change to talkies let him without voice (In both senses). The second scene is the final one. We can hear, for first time, the character's voice, but it is only when the camera turns off. 
There are other incredible scenes, as the one where Valentin and Miller meet again in the studio, or that one in which Valentin is drinking whisky and we see him in the reflection of the table. You have to watch it to feel it.

I am sure if you are a cinema expert you'll find very interesting details in this film. I was really excited when I was the Hollywood sign in its original form, Hollywoodland. Our professor had told us about it while we studied Hollywood in the 20s.

I really liked The Artist, it is witty and, even if it is contradictory, I think it is a breath of fresh air. I had not realize how emotions can be convey in such a simple way. It is magic.

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