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I'm studying a degree in English Studies in the University of Zaragoza (Spain). I have created this blog because I am studying "Comentario de textos audiovisuales" and I have to keep a record of every film I watch in a portfolio.

martes, 10 de abril de 2012

De tu ventana a la mía

De tu ventana a la mía is a beautiful film. Its mise-en-scène, its locations (the Pyrenees), costumes.. everything is delicate, detailed.

The thing I liked the most is the elements in mise-en-scène that connect the three differents times in narration. These 3 different times tell the spectator the story of 3 women who have a lot in common even if they are not really connected (they are not family or friends). They have beautiful dreams in difficult times. As we can see, their dreams do not came true. They feel disappointed and lost, but they continue with their lifes, since they are brave. These elements that connect the narration (the lost wool ball, the cut in their finger..) relate the 3 women and let us know that in some way, they represent the same: Someone who never gives up.

There is an interesting detail: The ages of the 3 protagonist. They are related to the time they live. The young one (about 18) lives in the 10s. The middle one ( about 24) lives in the times of the Spanish Civil War and the older one lives in the Spain of the dictatorship of Franco. 

De tu ventana a la mía  may seem pretencious. It is, but I do not think that is something to care about. It is a good film that I am sure you will enjoy.

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