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I'm studying a degree in English Studies in the University of Zaragoza (Spain). I have created this blog because I am studying "Comentario de textos audiovisuales" and I have to keep a record of every film I watch in a portfolio.

sábado, 10 de marzo de 2012


Goodfellas (Martin Scorsese,1990) is narrated by his protagonist, Henry Hill (Ray Liotta) who grews up in a very similar environment that the boy of A Bronx Tale (Robert De Niro, 1993) did and finds being part of the mafia as the best thing he could have.

This narration show a very personal point of view. With the freeze-frames, we realize the narration is taking place time later, and the narrator and protagonist is thinking and reflecting about his story. Later in the film it is Karen Hill (Lorraine Bracco) who narrates her new life. She also does it through photo-montages, we are almost sitting in her living room, having a look at her albums.

In this video you can see some Scorsese's editing techniques with some examples of Goodfellas. 

I really liked the film, I found it interesting and very similar in some ways to A Bronx's tale: the narrator, the protagonist story told since he was a child,or Scarface (Brian De Palma, 1983) : drugs, the fall. And, in both of them, the figure of the divine woman who once got, is not so interesting as it was.

3 comentarios:

  1. Scarface no se parece en nada a esta pelicula, unicamente en el gangsterismo y poco más, tiene incluso mas relación con Toro Salvaje que sólo cita brevemente los gangsters... En Goodfellas Scorsese busca a la sociedad italoamericana, sus ambientes, la forma de vivir, el gangsterismo que tanto les caracterizó y para ello utiliza toda una generación de italoamericanos, actores y no actores que conforman el todo, la realidad italoamericana.

    Lo que realmente llama la atención es que 10 años despues David Chase reclutará a los actores menos famosos, muchos de ellos extras otros protagonistas como Lorraine Bracco y creará "Los Soprano" donde la realidad, las pasiones humanas, la supervivencia, en mi opinion llegan aun estadio muy fuerte, pero por el hecho de ser una serie.

    Con Broxn Tale se parece muchisimo, por la misma razón, pero esta muy clarisimo que De Niro bebe directamente de Goodfellas. Y Toro Salvaje es del mismo estilo.

    A lo que queria llegar es que "Los Soprano" y "Goodfellas" son dos obras de arte que han sabido reflejar la realidad italoamericana, una en pelicula y otra en serie. Cada una tienes sus pros y sus contras, aunque por tradicion se ve mas importante Goodfellas.

  2. It is similar in some ways. For example, both Tony Montana and Henry "promote" in the mafia and then grow week. And I also find their women very similar. At first they (the men) fight for them, but then when they "have" them, they loose all the interest (Men! xD)
    and please, they take drugs as if it was something normal. just like in Scarface.

  3. If you like this one, you have to see Casino too
